DaddyETH is the #1 Ethereum Boss in Crypto World
Giving you big rewards in Ethereum every day
Community Site!
DaddyETH is a new token based in Ethereum, the official currency of Ether Blockchain, born in 2013. It’s a cryptocurrency that promises to reach high monetary levels, plus the experts indicate that in the near future it could even dethrone the famous Bitcoin, the currency par excellence in this decentralized world.
With DaddyETH you get great rewards in Ethereum thanks to our system, so we invite you to invest in our crypto in a 100% secure way. Buying DaddyETH we all win, will you join us? Let’s go to the moon together!


10% Redistribution in ETH
10% of every buy/sell is taken and redistributed to all of our holder

Paid every hour
All of the holders will receive their payments in 60 minutes

1% Auto Liquidity Pool
1% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap

4% Sell Fee
Extra 4% fee is applied to all sells

Design 100% Secure
Initial Liquidity Provided will be locked with DXLock and the contract will be audited by Dessert Finance

Great Marketing Plan
5% of every transaction is allocated to Marketing in ETH for marketing projects dedicated to the community
✔Website is open
✔Telegram community is open
✔Twitter is open
✔PooCoin ads & Other media commercials
✔Dashboard is open
✔Coingeko & CMC applied
✔Audited Contract by Dessert Finance
Coingeko listed
CoinMarketCap listed
Hobit Exchange hired
Hotbit Listed
Cointiger Listed
PooCoin ads & Other media commercials
+3k Telegram members
+2k Twitter followers
+3k DaddyETH Holders
+$5M Market cap
Lbank applied
Partnership with high-end influencers
+$20M Market cap
Certix Audited
Lbank exchange Listed
+$50M Market cap
NTF & MarketPlace launched
DaddyETH team doxxed
DaddyETH Swap
DaddyETH Merch
Gifts to holders
Stay tuned for more surprises…